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About the Aircooled Collective

The Aircooled Collective was formed in 2000 by several of its current members, due to a lack of a VW club in the Wolverhampton area.

The membership is relatively small but is expanding. Membership fees are £5.00 per year, but these are not payable right away. Minimal fees are charged to keep the club membership in control and to give the club a little capital. Come down and see if you like it first. The club does not intend on being formal, but with the emphases being on more of a social feel with an easy going atmosphere than a dictatorship.

With this a large base of knowledge is available to members from other members, Club camping at events (which you have to admit, is a lot better than being stuck in a middle of the field on your own) and cruises.

If you live in Wolverhampton or the surrounding area, please feel free to drop by and have a chat, if you don’t, have a surf around the site. For any further information on the club see the contact details abovet.

We are currently meeting at the Oddfellows, Compton, every Tuesday from 9pm: http://www.oddfellowshallpub.co.uk/